Cancel your Udyam registration with our hassle-free process, Just submit the online application on our portal with necessary documents.
Cancellation of Udyam Registration refers to the process of canceling Udyam Registration. The reason behind canceling Udyam Registration is generally closure of business, reorganization, or to rectify any error present in the Udyam Certificate. Cancellation of Udyam Registration is an online and hassle-free process. The simple steps to cancel Udyam Registration are as follows:
Step 1: Visit the Udyam Registration PortalTo cancel your Udyam Registration online, you first need to visit our Udyam portal and click on the Cancel Udyam Registration button in the Nav bar.
Step 2: Enter Basic DetailsYou will have to provide the following information:
Review all the details provided and after verification Tick “I AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITION “ and “I, the applicant (Owner of Aadhaar Number used in application) agree to share Details / Passcodes, etc as & when required for the purpose of Udyam Certificate Generation” box.
Step 4: SubmitSubmit the application by clicking on the Submit button and pay the consultancy fee payment to begin the Cancel Udyam Registration Process.
The Cancel Udyam Registration process will start immediately. Once the payment process is completed, we will need an OTP to validate your documents and business details, for which one of our executives will remain in touch with you. You can Track your Application status during processing.
Entrepreneurs register Udyam to grow their business with the help of government benefits, but some factors create situations that may lead to cancellation of Udyam. These are as follows: